Tuesday 31 May 2016

It's a couple of years old, and it's not so much a history of emotions but it's a fascinating read into the psychology of relationships, and it questions what our expectations are. I wonder if this study had been done 50, 100 and 150 years and even further back what it might have shown...

Masters of Love Science says lasting relationships come down to—you guessed it—kindness and generosity.

Friday 13 May 2016

I saw this and thought of my much neglected blog. Does my language lack variety in its expressions of happiness? A psychologist, Tim Lomas, has compiled a Glossary of Happiness, words that express joy.

The Glossary of Happiness

Quite possibly. Either way, there are some wonderful examples from elsewhere...

"It is a veritable catalogue of life’s many joys, featuring terms like utepils (Norwegian, “a beer that is enjoyed outside . . . particularly on the first hot day of the year”), mbuki-mvuki (Bantu, “to shed clothes to dance uninhibited”), tarab (Arabic, “musically induced ecstasy or enchantment”), and gigil (Tagalog, “the irresistible urge to pinch/squeeze someone because they are loved or cherished”). 

In the course of compiling his lexicon, Lomas has noted several interesting patterns. A handful of Northern European languages, for instance, have terms that describe a sort of existential coziness. The words—koselig (Norwegian), mysa (Swedish), hygge (Danish), and gezellig (Dutch)—convey both physical and emotional comfort. “Does that relate to the fact that the climate is colder up there and you would value the sense of being warm and secure and cozy inside?” Lomas asked. “Perhaps you can start to link culture to geography to climate. In contrast, more Southern European cultures have some words about being outside and strolling around and savoring the atmosphere. And those words”—like the French flâner and the Greek volta—“might be more likely to emerge in those cultures.”